Dipika Patil
Booking is Open Now. We Are Providing Safe and secure Class Escort Services at an Affordable Rate, 100% Satisfaction, and Unlimited Enjoyment. All times are available for models/escorts in the Royal Escorts, the highest class of luxury and top escort agency. Premium Luxury and Top Escorts Agency We provide a Well-Educated and Royal-Class Female and High-end Escorts agency that offers professional escort services in the realm of Royal Escorts.
Name: | Rita Patel |
Views: | 425 viewed |
Profile Type: | Independent |
Gender: | Female |
Age: | 21 Years |
Bust-Waist-Hip: | 34-28-32 |
Weight: | 54kg |
Height: | 5'1ft |
Nationality: | Indian |
Language: | Hindi, English |
Location: | Mumbai |
Name: | Rita Patel |
Views: | 425 viewed |
Profile Type: | Independent |
Gender: | Female |
Age: | 21 Years |
Bust-Waist-Hip: | 34-28-32 |
Weight: | 54kg |
Height: | 5'1ft |
Nationality: | Indian |
Language: | Hindi, English |
Location: | Mumbai |
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